Providing Physicians and Medical Professionals with Accurate, Up-to-Date Drug Guides and Medical Books for Improved Patient Care
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Our medical references and patient education resources cover a multitude of disorders and specialties, spanning cardiology, gastrointestinal, mental health, oncology, pediatrics, women’s health, and more.

The ECG Criteria Book provides ECG criteria for 125 ECG diagnoses, including arrhythmias and conduction disturbances; chamber enlargement and hypertrophy; ischemic syndromes; pacemakers; and drug, electrolyte and medical disorders.
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Written by world-class experts in clinical cancer therapeutics, this updated essential reference provides a complete, easy-to-use catalogue of over 100 drugs and commonly used drug regimens-both on- and off-label-for the treatment of all the major cancers.
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Now in its 22nd edition, this best-selling reference provides breadth, depth of knowledge, and expansive research from over 85 medical experts in the fields of contraception, sexual health, reproductive health, and infectious disease.
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HIV Essentials offers a step-by-step guide to the diagnosis, evaluation, management, and prevention of HIV infection and its complications. The Tenth Edition was revised and updated to focus on treatment and prevention and has removed HCV content.
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Fully updated to keep pace with the changes to the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Exam, the fifth edition of The Complete Guide to ECGs provides a unique and practical way for physicians in training, fellows, residents, and other medical professionals to improve their ECG interpretation skills.
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Have a Look at Some of Our Market-Leading
Medicine Resources
Whether in the form of printed volumes, digital eBooks, or convenient apps, Jones & Bartlett Learning medicine books and books for medical students are essential tools for delivering high-quality healthcare and advancing the field of medicine.
For the last three decades, Jones & Bartlett Learning has provided physicians, physician assistants, medical professionals and students with trusted and authoritative drug guides and references to ensure the highest-level of patient-centered care.

Medical textbooks and references are indispensable tools for practicing physicians and medical professionals. These resources play a pivotal role in the ever-evolving field of medicine, serving as a knowledge repository, educational guide, and reference point for healthcare practitioners. Whether in print or digital format, these resources are essential companions for those dedicated to the medical profession.
One of the critical aspects of a physician's work is staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in medical science and practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning medical books bridge this gap by providing comprehensive, well-researched, and peer-reviewed information. These resources cover a wide array of medicine specialties, from cardiology to oncology, ensuring that healthcare professionals and medical students have access to the latest diagnostic and treatment protocols.
For medical professionals specializing in oncology, we’re proud to offer the best-selling Physicians' Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual by Dr. Edward Chu and Dr. Vincent DeVita. This must-have guide is updated annually to provide physicians with the latest information on standard therapy and recent advances in cancer chemotherapy. It compiles detailed information on cancer drugs, their mechanisms of action, dosages, side effects, and interactions. With the rapid developments in cancer research, having access to an updated oncology drug reference is crucial in ensuring the best possible care for cancer patients.

In addition to their role in clinical practice, medical books also contribute significantly to patient education. The Jones & Bartlett Learning 100 Questions & Answers Series provides authoritative and practical answers to health-related questions. The volumes in the 100 Questions & Answers Series offer authoritative, practical answers to readers’ questions about their health concerns, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, quality of life, sources of support, and much more. These practical, easy-to-read books, written by top medical experts in the field, are the only reference titles to provide both the patient’s and the doctor’s views. Clear, accurate, and reliable information from accessible resources helps patients make informed decisions about their healthcare, fostering a stronger doctor-patient relationship.
Jones & Bartlett Learning medical books and references are are not limited to traditional print editions. Our references and patient education guides are available as eBooks. These eBooks provide medical professionals with searchable, hyperlinked content, making it easier to find specific information quickly. Furthermore, the Physicians’ Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual is available for download from the Apple Store and Google Play for Android.